Meet Stan! A Chicago Ridge Public Library Patron Story

By Stacy Palmisano - December 15, 2022
photo of bald man with glasses and white beard

Stan Pawlowski is a long-time Chicago Ridge resident, avid library user, and a member of our Board of Trustees. We asked Stan to share his library story.

“I began utilizing the library about four years ago on a consistent basis. I had just lost my job and was eager to get another position as soon as possible, so I began going up to the library to use the computers. After some time, I became quite acquainted with the staff in Adult Services. I asked them to look over my resume to see how I could tweak it.

Since I wasn't working, the staff also encouraged me to attend the book clubs they hold. This was quite rewarding. I began reading books and genres I would not normally read. The Adult Services department then began expanding their services to Roku devices which allow patrons access to online streaming services. This was extremely helpful once COVID-19 hit and essentially shut everything down.

I am happy to report I have since found a permanent, full-time position. I would just like to say and give a huge thanks of those in the library staff who helped and encouraged me along the way. I couldn't have done it without them.

Being a trustee is one of the most rewarding and challenging positions to hold. The biggest reward was helping to oversee the total renovation of the library. It was a huge undertaking. I am very happy to report all of the board, the Library Director, Dana, and Ad-ministrative Manager, Brittany, worked in unison to make sure that the project went smoothly. The challenges of being a board member include making sure that we are wise stewards of the finances, the facilities and the resources available to our patrons.”

Today’s guest blog post is from Dana Wishnick, Library Director, at Chicago Ridge Public Library